PIDA supports the independent pet retailer community through a variety of programs, events and education.
Free online training from Pet Store Pro gives busy pet store owners the time and resources to make sure that essential tasks get done right. Funded by PIDA distributors and developed by pet experts for pet retailers, program content is brand-neutral and advertising-free — so your retailer customers can apply what they learn immediately.
PIDA’s distributor members rely on healthy and profitable pet specialty stores as a direct link between products and consumers. In turn, distributors can provide independents in particular with essential support. We call this the Power of Distribution.
The pet industry’s largest annual trade show, open to independent retailers, distributors, mass-market buyers and other qualified professionals. Global Pet Expo's Global learning Series offers over 30 hours of free education for pet retailers during the show, as well as free, business-building webinars throughout the year.
Pets in the Classroom is an educational grant program that provides financial support to teachers to purchase and maintain small animals in the classroom. The program was established by The Pet Care Trust to provide children with an opportunity to interact with pets — an experience that can help to shape their lives for years to come. Retailers can support this program by working with their local schools to provide teacher discounts or donating to the program.
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