about pida

Who is PIDA?

About PIDA 

The Mission of the Pet Industry Distributors Association is to enhance the well-being of the wholesaler-distributor, to promote partnerships with their suppliers and customers, and to work cooperatively in fostering the human/animal bond.

The Pet Industry Distributors Association, was organized in 1968 for the purpose of promoting progress within the pet industry and to conduct programs and activities on behalf of the wholesaler-distributor.

Global Pet Expo

PIDA is a cosponsor of the annual Global Pet Expo each spring.

Membership in PIDA includes pet product distributors, live pet wholesalers, pet product manufacturers, and suppliers.

In May 2023, after a thorough review, PIDA’s Board of Directors finalized a new Value Proposition and Strategic Plan that will set the association’s direction for the next few years.

Our value proposition states what PIDA promises to deliver to our stakeholders, which is to connect, inform and advocate for distributors, retailers and vendors. That means not just for our members, but for each and every one of you in the pet care community. How we do it is an evolving process that involves big-picture thinking, goal setting and specific actions through the new strategic plan.


PIDA's Pet Store Pro program offers FREE training for pet retailers

Pet Store Pro is a powerful, FREE resource for independent pet retailers. Keep your store running smoothly and profitably with easy-to-use online training for employees and store managers.

Put Pet Store Pro to work at your store:

PetStore Pro
  • Help your team meet daily challenges.
  • Build consistency and confidence.
  • Turn knowledge into sales.
  • Keep customers coming back.

Fact-based, advertising-free content is appropriate for your store, no matter what brands you carry. Customize training by selecting from Pet Store Pro's catalog of courses developed specifically for pet retailers:

  • Basic and advanced customer service and sales
  • Merchandising fundamentals and advanced merchandising
  • Fact-based, brand-neutral pet nutrition
  • Animal care, targeted to specific pet categories
  • Business and leadership training for store managers

Pet Store Pro is FREE to qualified retailers through your distributor partners and PIDA. Learn more and get started today at www.petstorepro.com.

Pida Programs

  • The Power of Distribution
  • Global Pet Expo
  • PetStorePro
  • Pet Industry Leadership Summit

Pida Partners

  • BEAK
  • Pets Classroom
  • pgn
  • Pet Advocacy Network
  • Petstore Day
  • habri